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Photo from Jake Cuenca's Twitter

On December 3, via Twitter, actor Jake Cuenca took action to deny any accusations and involvement of a prank which was reported to be towards actress Anne Curtis which triggered her tirade at the high-class club last month on November 23.

Just December 1, the popular website titled Philippine Entertainment Portal or PEP.ph published a report quoted by magazine editior, JR Isaac and how he allegedly witnessed Anne slap him and two others during a party hosted by Anne herself at Privé Luxury Club at The Fort in Taguig.

Another report by another popular entertainment site, Fashion Pulis has also made word that implied that the reason for Anne’s outburst was because of Jake Cuenca and John Lloyd Cruz.

As according to the report, Anne had reserved tables at the club's VIP area where a private bar and toilets are included. Coincidentally, Jake and John Lloyd were also there although they had a separate gathering group and venue from Anne's party. Anne was found to be 'irritated' when the people who weren't part of their group starting to take drinks from their own private occasion.

Reportedly, Jake and John Lloyd were seen as they followed Anne as she went to the bathroom to start a prank where they started to bang on her bathroom's door. As Anne walked out of the bathroom, Anne slapped Leah de Guzman, and JR Isaac who were conveniently near the toilet at that time.

Allegedly, John Lloyd told Anne that it was Jake who did the prank on her which made her have an outrage and slap John Lloyd also.

The actress has already admitted and explained that she was on “juice cleanse” and “had one too many drinks”, although “most of the reports are true.” She has denied being on drugs when the incident happened saying, “That is definitely not true.” and she has apologized to everyone involved including the public.

Jake Cuenca's Side

Jake Cuenca, after reading and hearing reports, defended himself on social networking site, Twitter saying that he is too old to be pulling pranks on people and straightforwardly told the public to “get their facts straight.”

"A lot of hate for something i wasnt involved in and something i didnt even witness... I'm speechless its amazing how people judge so quickly," Jake tweeted.

As in reply to people asking for Jake's side of the incident, he admitted to have been at the same club that night, but didn't witness anything that happened since he was “busy minding [his] own business. Like things should be."

"No I absolutely did not bang any doors and I didn't have any problems that night with Anne or JLC," he said.

Some people say Jake may have been defensive, but at the time that he was accused of being the perpetrator of something his supposedly did not do, he was stressed and not feeling well that day. Below are some tweets he tweeted on Twitter relating to the incident and him being accused.

I dont go to prive to pull pranks. If i really wanted to sana bumalik nalang ako ng kindergarden. Please know the facts first. #itsnottrue

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