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ABS-CBN’s Korina Sanchez is a notorious figure in social media personalities as she is known to have piles of haters across citizens and netizens alike. Her hatred meter has even been compared to alleged pork barrel mastermind, Janet Lim-Napoles, and has grown after becoming one of the people to be hit with Filipino rage towards the disappointing Philippines government and how they have been handling the devastated areas hit by Super Typhoon Yoland (Haiyan international).

To add to her misery and bashing, her credibility has been going downhill especially as netizens and citizens alike have read and heard her criticism to CNN’s Anderson Cooper on his report at Tacloban on her daily morning radio program at DZMM to find out her herself was wrong in the first place.

Anderson came all the way to Philippines to do a live report on his CNN program, Anderson 360, and create a report about the devastation in Tacloban City and Visayas. Korina made a comment on his statements during that report, which maybe she didn't hear herself or heard from an unreliable source, but stated that Anderson allegedly reported that he didn't see the Philippines government doing any action towards the calamity victims.

The video below shows Anderson’s reaction to Korina’s accusation and proof that he did not say that during his report:

Anderson’s Reply
In the video he shows proof that Korina’s accusation is wrong and emphasized that he reported what he saw on site, he even urged Korina herself to go to Tacloban and see for herself what is truly going on there. He also said that he was amused by some political persons and how they still could even think of putting on their ‘political colors’ during such a huge calamity.

Another thing Anderson did in reaction to how social media reacted to his report was read a statement that was released by President NoyNoy Aquino and printed on a broadsheet at that day. In the president’s statement he was emphasizing the need for the media to show and highlight the positive events and focus on how the Filipino’s strength is incredibly strong in facing such a crisis. Anderson then declared that since Day 1 of reporting about the devastation, he along with the rest of the CNN reporters have been highlighting the strength of the Filipino people.

Relating to the Filipino themselves and what they have been going through, Anderson added that he could not imagine going through what the Filipinos are going through now and can’t imagine having the same strength the Filipinos show as they sleep next to their loved one’s bodies in the cold open area. Anderson also commented about CNN and their report’s accuracy and truth which they always make sure to portray to the public.

Filipino Netizens Reaction

After the issue of criticizing on Anderson’s reporting on Wednesday morning where she said that Anderson didn’t know what he was talking about, netizens all around social networking sites as Facebook and Twitter immediately reacted to her insulting statement.

Netizens gave points about how Anderson was reporting from the actual site of the calamity and was just reporting what he saw while Korina stayed warm and safe at ABS-CBN;s news studio and radio booth where she doesn’t personally experience and see what the people are going through, especially in Tacloban City, Leyte where the storm hit the hardest.

As possibly an attempt to prove the people and netizens wrong of her position, she went to Ormoc on Thursday to report on TV Patrol personally. Her efforts were in vain as it was seen insufficient due to the fact that Ormoc was not the hardest hit city. Already bashed, the fact that she is the wife of DILG Secretary Mar Roxas doesn’t help her points since he is one of the people blamed for insufficient government action where Korina gets part of the blame. Currently she has been quiet from all the controversy she has created herself which has also backfired incredibly.

Here is our article on Korina’s statement: Korina Sanchez stands up to Anderson Cooper and his reporting

Comment your thoughts below on whose side you take in this new controversy!

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  1. Hope she learned her lesson....

  2. still i salute korina....you should read the report of geraldine uy wong....that is the true story.....tnx....

