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Christmas is a time where people make wish lists and with this generation, the latest gadgets, laptops, and big screen TVs are definitely on the list, but what about the people who really need something like the basic needs of food or simple things like a watch?

On The Random Altruist’s YouTube channel, he uploaded a video of how he spent his Christmas by not shopping for his on materialistic wants, but shopping for the simple needs and wants of some homeless people. In the video, he took his camera to the streets and asked every individual what they wanted for Christmas then went out and bought them and wrapped the gifts in presents.

Using his extra spending money to give a nice holiday to the homeless, his video has already reached over 100,000 views. It was not only a very merry Christmas indeed to not only the homeless, but to The Random Altruist himself.

In this harsh world, there are still people out there who truly care for the sake of others! Watch the video below and subscribe to The Random Altruist’s channel!

What do you think about his wonderful deed? Would you do something like that in the future?

Post your thoughts and comments below!