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When was the last time you remembered a special event in life where you were just in the moment, capturing memories and feelings you will remember for the rest of your life without the aid of technology surrounding you?

This viral video has gotten over 36million views for the less than a year that it has been published. A must watch video entitled, “I Forgot My Phone” which is an eye-opener to today’s generation and how technology is ruining the special moments between friends, family, and loved ones.

This short video is credited to:

Written by Charlene deGuzman & Miles Crawford

Directed by Miles Crawford

Starring Charlene deGuzman With (in order of appearance)

Jacob Womack, Nick Luciano, Ani Baker, Sabrina London, Sean London, Garrett Hanson, Alana Dietze, Oleana Taalman-Koch, Reshma Gajjar, David Brown, Mark Schroeder, Yak Manrique, Ele Woods, Cynthia Kao, Josh Kaplan, Dylan Booth Vigus, Zach Fairless, Zac Oyama, Nick Rasmussen, Tom Fox, Paul James, Smoke Season, Kevin Daniels, J Lee, Brittany Geronimo, Matt Geronimo, Farley Crawford, Frank Natale, Tracie Thoms, Jason E. Kelley, Jim Holdridge, and Jack Krizmanich

What did you think of the video? Did your ife change after these 2 minutes?

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