Everyone world-wide knows about the hot Italian fashion and trade company, Gianni Versace S.p.A or more referred as Versace and the inherited owner Donatella Versace. Through the years she has gone through many plastic surgeries, but her latest surgery left her looking like a wax candle, see pictures here!
Plastic surgery is already a common ordeal in the showbiz area and celebrities all around the world, but sometimes there are instances where plastic surgery goes overboard and a huge outbreak in the net and comments from netizens go trending.
Critics all around have called Versace a 'human waxwork' as the surgeries and most especially Botox overflow have given her a shiny, waxy complexion resembling a melting candle. Obvious cheekbone implants and aggressive laser jobs are shown on her face. Although Versace does admit to undergoing Botox treatments, she denies that she has ever gone through plastic surgery.
Expert doctors have claimed that the 59-year old has gone through lip injections, breast implants, a facelift, a nose job and laser skin treatments.
Although the Italian fashion designer doesn't believe in 'looking natural' in the first place, experts do admit that she is going under heavy Botox and multiple surgeries where-in treatments are done in a way too close intervals to each other.
Dr. Steve Fallek also believes that Versace has gone under a brow lift. and shares to the public that as a person going under all those treatments, a time interval for recovery before going into public should be ten to fourteen days.
“There are some risks with multiple face lifts but most involve skin
loss. Anesthesia not so much a problem if she’s had success before," Dr. Fallek also explained.
More expert comments from Dr. Bruce Katz believes that Versace has, “had her cheeks augmented, probably with filler and
certainly her lips have been filled, her eyelids are a little droopy. I
think she has had some bad Botox because they look like they are
drooping. Maybe a little too much Botox in the forehead. She certainly
can use some filler in her ear lobes, they are very stretched.”
A Dr. David Rapaport has also shared his own insight by saying, “From 2002 on her face seems to have more artificially defined fullness
where now her lips seem to be over inflated. Most recently, it seems
very clear that she has a facelift scar that I can see in front of her
temple area you can see a fine linear scar. Her
face looks more taught and tight, she has clearly undergone facelift
surgery, perhaps over inflated cheeks and lips.”
With all that expert information, how can you not be convinced that she has gone under many treatments? Especially with pictorial proof of her changes from her early years until her very latest photo which has given much controversy.

1990 - Donatella Versace with her brother and original owner of Gianni Versace S.p.A, Gianni Versace. She actually looks like a normal human being here, normal skin and all!

1993 - Donatella and her brother once again, Gianni. You can tell she is starting her physical changes, it has only been a 3 year gap!

1995 - Donatella and Gianni. A good looking brother and sister duo.

2000 - Donatella Versace in an interesting outfit. Her treatments actually make her look pretty good here.




2012 - Donatella really does love this kind of color for her gowns, it does suit her well.

2013 - Treatments and surgeries will never hide the years off your face completely.
So those were pictures of her through the years before her latest treatment and surgery. Are you ready for it?

She tries to hide her age from the world, but sometimes your efforts go overboard and the 'too much' mark has finally bee crossed. Have you noticed her throughout the years too? What do you think of her 'new look'?
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