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Our beloved Primetime Princess, Kathryn Bernardo has been a part of Showbiz for many years, it just seems fitting that we should dedicate a post all about our beautiful Kath and how she has grown through the years!

As she has just turned 18, Kathryn is now on her mature journey in figuring out life, to all KathNiel fans out there, do you wish Daniel Padilla is a part of it?

Remember Kathryn and her younger days? As a little kid, show already showed the world her showbiz skills!

Kathryn in her Super Inggo and Goin' Bulilit days!

Best friends forever?

The best Wonder-woman of their time!

Although just kids, they were still bright and beautiful back then!

From childhood to grown-ups, Kathryn and Julia Montes have always been close!


Kathryn has always been a character full of life and laughs.


Who misses the fun team of Kathryn and Makisig Morales?


No matter what age, Kathryn is always adorable!


The Goin' Bulilit gang, why are you hiding Kathryn!?

Kathryn grew more and more into a beautiful young lady in Mara Clara


Best friend 'til the end, right Julia, Kathryn?

How about 'Growing Up' and her throwback pictures?


Remember the special episode of ASAP 18 where Kathryn and Daniel Padilla had a KathNiel moment with their sweet duet?

Who misses Mikay?




The Got to Believe Army went trending all the time! Chichay stole the hearts of many people, especially Joaquin's.



Just recently our little lady became an official woman by turning 18!


How much do you love Kathryn? Did you love our dedication for Kath?

Post your thoughts and comments below!
