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The sad truth to reality is that homeless animals outnumber homeless people by a whopping 5 to 1. It is understandable as many aren’t able to spay or neuter their pets, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is depressing. Here is a story that will allow you to gain a little faith in humanity and animal welfare!

There is a group in Canada named the Quebec Society for the Protection of Animals. They found the dog below which at first they couldn’t believe it was an animal, much more a dog! Look at the dog’s amazing transformation in the care of these kind people.

The dog’s fur was terribly matted which made him unrecognizable as even a living creature!

He looked big, but around 50% of his size was just his matted up fur.

His rescuers allowed him to take a breather by shaving off the mess.

 He was frightened by the buzzer at first.

They ended up revealing a sweet little boy.


He wasn’t used to all the attention, but it must have made him feel better.

All the hard work was worth it.

When all his primping and shaving was over, a new animal was uncovered.

Now he is thankful to be saved and loved as an indoor dog.

Amazing isn’t it?

Although it isn’t possible to save all of the stray pets out there, if people exert an effort, many of our animal friends can be saved. Never hesitate to call your local Animal Welfare organization like PAWS to volunteer, adopt, or donate!

Post your thoughts on this little doggy!