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Spoiler alert to those who haven’t watched the movie yet!

To those who have already watched the most popular film of 2013, Frozen, you remember how emotional and heartbreaking the climax of the movie between the two hearts of sisters Anna and Elsa right? During that scene, there is a song that could have topped off the emotion.

A major Frozen fan named Scarlet Glow sang a reprise to the epic song ‘Do You Want to Build a Snowman’ which could have been inserted at the time of the climax to build up more tears from viewers. Written by fans at Musical Catbug, Elsa definitely should have sung this song at the climax.

Here is the recording of the song and the lyrics below:

"Yes I wanna build a snowman… 
I'm sorry that it took so long… 
I didn't know I needed you…I really do… 
and now you're gone… 
please…just ask me once more…
just one more time…I promise I'll open the door 
…yes I wanna build a snowman…"

How did you think of it? Would this have made Frozen better or not?
Post your comments and thoughts below!
