Trends around social media spread fast throughout
friends and mutual friends alike whether they make sense or are just plain
crazy. As of Oct. 28, 2013 a brand new trend on Facebook infiltrated facebook
users alike. The trend is simple trend is known as the “Giraffe Riddle”.
If you have seen many of your friends change their
Profile Pictures to a Giraffe, well, this is the reason why and sometimes the
change maybe in vain or not completely accurate.
Before you continue reading this, I you don’t want
to know any more about this riddle and want to figure out the answer yourself,
stop reading now cause the mystery will be SOLVED and SPOILED in a bit.
Let's start off with the riddle itself:
"It’s 3 a.m., the doorbell rings and you wake
up. Unexpected visitors! It’s your parents and they are here for breakfast. You
have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you
The way is it trending and being shared along
Facebook is that someone will post this riddle as their status and their
friends will send a private message with the answer. If the answer is correct,
lucky you get to keep your profile picture, but if the answer is wrong, you
have to change your profile picture to a giraffe for a week.
Now the answer to the giraffe riddle. The answer is
“the door”.
It is actually a very simple riddle and can be
answered quickly without much thought.
The riddle points by its wording that it might be
one of the food items. Although the real problem is that people are going
around saying the answer is not “the door”, but that the answer is “your eyes”.
The problem with the answer being “your eyes” is
that the giraffe riddle states that after the doorbell rings, ‘you wake up’.
Hypothetically, if you have already woken up, then your eyes are already open
right? But you still have to open the door to let your parents in.
Hence, the true answer is “the door” and make sure
to answer the riddle with that answer. If someone tells you that you’re wrong,
just enjoy the fun of having your profile picture as a giraffe and knowing that
you are right and they are wrong.
Although, if there just has to be an argument,
there are different ways to interpret the giraffe riddle, and everyone thinks
in different ways that their answer is correct so let’s just keep in all in
good fun for all.
To those who have gotten trolled by the riddle, did
you answer it correctly? Or did you answer it wrong? Post your comments below!
I got it right
ReplyDeleteDoor was my answer and as usual my friend yold me I'm wrong and the answer is "eyes". Naaa,i didn't changr my profile pic lol.. I thought what u had said. Late reaction here,just so happy that we had the same idea: woke up already and u need to open your eyes still haha. Thanks author. Godbless :)